I don't usually post videos on here, but I just love this song. I listen to it all the time. I think so many of us can understand just exactly the emotion this song conveys.
Lady Antebellum - Need You Now
Lady Antebellum - Need You Now
Candles, soaps, and other fun stuff... oh my!
Well, it's official. I've finally taken the plunge and gotten myself into the candle and soap making business. I'm thrilled that a dear friend of mine is diving off into the venture with me and I think a lot of fun is in store with this little partnership.
We're developing a line of heavily scented soy candles with a decadent vibe to them. We're sticking with the whole "Midnight Gypsy" baroque, ornate, eclectic theme in not only packaging but fragrance blends as well. We've got a lot of fun things up our sleeve with this one!
Introducing our new candle and spa line -
Midnight Gypsy Luxe... Bewitching Brews To Soothe Body & Soul.
Here are a few teasers....
Emerald Isle: This scent is a fresh green clover blend that makes us think of, well, the Emerald Isle herself - Ireland.
One Day My Knight Will Come: This one is deep musk with light floral notes and a touch of sandalwood and patchouli.
My Highland Home: Mist-shrouded Scottish hillsides dotted with heather. One of my personal favorites.
Boudoir: Creamy vanilla and warm amber mingle with the soft wood notes of cedarwood, oak, sandalwood, and patchouli in this unbelievably rich, decadent, sensual scent. I've never been a big fan of vanilla scents, but I'm in LOVE with this one...so much so that we've adopted it as our "signature" scent.
Gypsy Rose: Now this one, ahhhh, this one smells just exactly like a bouquet of fresh roses cut right out of the garden. Not heavy, not sharp, not cloying. Just pure, soft, dewy roses with the faintest hint of greenery.
In addition to the candles, we're working on a line of luxury hand-poured soaps as well. We'll include olive oil, shea butter, and goat milk soaps that are all hand-blended and incorporate fresh blossoms and herbs right in the recipe, all wrapped up in gorgeous packaging fit for a queen!
We'll also be working up rich, decadent lotions, bath bombs, bath salts, milk bath mixes, lip balms, and all sorts of other goodies.
Be sure to keep checking back in here at the blog for updates. With the busy holiday season upon us, I am swamped with jewelry orders so it will likely be around the first of the year before we are actually ready to think about a launch of anything. I'm hoping we'll be able to have some of our lines ready for a launch in time for Valentine's Day.
And lastly, but certainly not least, I have to share a fun site with you! My friend Sammye Goolsby runs a neat little corner in cyberspace called The Geezer Gang. Sammye is a riot and is farrrrrr from geezerdom! LOL! She was kind enough to put up a lovely feature on the home page of her site regarding my jewelry as well as our latest goodies. She's also been kind enough to put up a link for us on her "Beauty" page. Be sure to stop by and visit her at The Geezer Gang to check it all out.
If you have any questions, wild ideas, or just fun tidbits to share, as always I'd love to hear from you!
We're developing a line of heavily scented soy candles with a decadent vibe to them. We're sticking with the whole "Midnight Gypsy" baroque, ornate, eclectic theme in not only packaging but fragrance blends as well. We've got a lot of fun things up our sleeve with this one!
Introducing our new candle and spa line -
Midnight Gypsy Luxe... Bewitching Brews To Soothe Body & Soul.
Here are a few teasers....
Emerald Isle: This scent is a fresh green clover blend that makes us think of, well, the Emerald Isle herself - Ireland.
One Day My Knight Will Come: This one is deep musk with light floral notes and a touch of sandalwood and patchouli.
My Highland Home: Mist-shrouded Scottish hillsides dotted with heather. One of my personal favorites.
Boudoir: Creamy vanilla and warm amber mingle with the soft wood notes of cedarwood, oak, sandalwood, and patchouli in this unbelievably rich, decadent, sensual scent. I've never been a big fan of vanilla scents, but I'm in LOVE with this one...so much so that we've adopted it as our "signature" scent.
Gypsy Rose: Now this one, ahhhh, this one smells just exactly like a bouquet of fresh roses cut right out of the garden. Not heavy, not sharp, not cloying. Just pure, soft, dewy roses with the faintest hint of greenery.
In addition to the candles, we're working on a line of luxury hand-poured soaps as well. We'll include olive oil, shea butter, and goat milk soaps that are all hand-blended and incorporate fresh blossoms and herbs right in the recipe, all wrapped up in gorgeous packaging fit for a queen!
We'll also be working up rich, decadent lotions, bath bombs, bath salts, milk bath mixes, lip balms, and all sorts of other goodies.
Be sure to keep checking back in here at the blog for updates. With the busy holiday season upon us, I am swamped with jewelry orders so it will likely be around the first of the year before we are actually ready to think about a launch of anything. I'm hoping we'll be able to have some of our lines ready for a launch in time for Valentine's Day.
And lastly, but certainly not least, I have to share a fun site with you! My friend Sammye Goolsby runs a neat little corner in cyberspace called The Geezer Gang. Sammye is a riot and is farrrrrr from geezerdom! LOL! She was kind enough to put up a lovely feature on the home page of her site regarding my jewelry as well as our latest goodies. She's also been kind enough to put up a link for us on her "Beauty" page. Be sure to stop by and visit her at The Geezer Gang to check it all out.
If you have any questions, wild ideas, or just fun tidbits to share, as always I'd love to hear from you!
In The Gilded Twighlight...
Had to share...
I stumbled onto a stunning Etsy shop this morning, Rocky Top Studio. What soft, dreamy, ethereal photography! I find her amazing prints absolutely inspiring. Check them out!
Gypsy Mystique...
Wow! I was flattered to receive a message this morning from Caroline at Oh Chalet that she'd featured my Gypsy Mystique ring in her "Gypsy Holiday" section on her blog...along with rounding up some other amazing finds on Etsy that would make any gypsy girl all warm and fuzzy inside. ;-) Take a peek at her blog...what a great little place to toodle around!
Be sure to check out her little shop on Etsy, coolranchstudio, for some absolutely COOL art work!
Be sure to check out her little shop on Etsy, coolranchstudio, for some absolutely COOL art work!
Lots 'o new lovelies....
...going up in my shop over the next few days. I'm really excited because I got my first shipment of components in from a new supplier and they are just SUPERB. I've been creating my little heart out. :-)
Be sure to saunter on over and check out the latest... You can also click on any of the photos in the right sidebar to be taken directly to that item's listing in my shop. Many of my items are one-of-a-kind, but in some cases I'm able to recreate a particular piece if you spot something in my "Sold Items" section that really tickles your fancy. Don't be shy...just drop me a message & I'll be happy to try and accommodate you.
Christmas is fast approaching and this time of year is always crazy busy for me, so if you're thinking you may want a custom piece for gift giving be sure to contact me EARLY...as in NOW. ;-)
Thanks for stopping by, make sure you keeping checking back at my shop over the next few days and weeks for lots of fun new pieces.
Be sure to saunter on over and check out the latest... You can also click on any of the photos in the right sidebar to be taken directly to that item's listing in my shop. Many of my items are one-of-a-kind, but in some cases I'm able to recreate a particular piece if you spot something in my "Sold Items" section that really tickles your fancy. Don't be shy...just drop me a message & I'll be happy to try and accommodate you.
Christmas is fast approaching and this time of year is always crazy busy for me, so if you're thinking you may want a custom piece for gift giving be sure to contact me EARLY...as in NOW. ;-)
Thanks for stopping by, make sure you keeping checking back at my shop over the next few days and weeks for lots of fun new pieces.
Life just continues...
...to roll on and on and on. Sometimes it amazes me just how fast it's flying by. Any of you with children will understand what I mean when I say that having a child seems to put time on perpetual fast forward. Just how quickly they change, learn, and grow is a daily reminder of just how quickly the river of life flows, and the older we get the faster it seems to go.
With my birthday coming up in just a couple of days, it's had me thinking a lot lately about just how easy it is to sit back and wait, hoping that all you want in life will just somehow come to you and fall into your lap. Waiting in this manner does nothing but leave us unfulfilled and much older. It's up to each of us to seek out what we want from life and make it ours. The hand of fate, or God, can't work alone....otherwise what would be the point of free-will? If all of life is pre-determined, what would be the point of even getting out of bed in the morning?
It's rather strange to me, I feel like I should still be in my mid-twenties, but here I am, more than a decade beyond that and still searching for the proverbial meaning of life, I've not accomplished nearly all that I'd hoped I would by this age, but I just keep slogging along. My hopes and dreams intact, though a bit battered, tattered, and worn....and me a touch more jaded than my younger version was.
But, such is the very nature of this earthly existence I suppose. One of the few things that makes it bearable is knowing to the very marrow of my bones that there are connections among certain people that transcend all space and time...and it is those connections that often make this life the most fulfilling, and the most worth living.
And, with that obscure rambling out of the way, it's now time for me to get busy and finish up the stack of jewelry orders on my work bench.
As a bit of a side note before I go, I'm currently figuring out the workings for a line of hand-blended lotions, potions, incenses and oils to add to my shop. All custom-blended by yours truly. All things befitting a Midnight Gypsy. ;-) Keep your eyes peeled for these new additions to be making their debut in the next few months.
With my birthday coming up in just a couple of days, it's had me thinking a lot lately about just how easy it is to sit back and wait, hoping that all you want in life will just somehow come to you and fall into your lap. Waiting in this manner does nothing but leave us unfulfilled and much older. It's up to each of us to seek out what we want from life and make it ours. The hand of fate, or God, can't work alone....otherwise what would be the point of free-will? If all of life is pre-determined, what would be the point of even getting out of bed in the morning?
It's rather strange to me, I feel like I should still be in my mid-twenties, but here I am, more than a decade beyond that and still searching for the proverbial meaning of life, I've not accomplished nearly all that I'd hoped I would by this age, but I just keep slogging along. My hopes and dreams intact, though a bit battered, tattered, and worn....and me a touch more jaded than my younger version was.
But, such is the very nature of this earthly existence I suppose. One of the few things that makes it bearable is knowing to the very marrow of my bones that there are connections among certain people that transcend all space and time...and it is those connections that often make this life the most fulfilling, and the most worth living.
And, with that obscure rambling out of the way, it's now time for me to get busy and finish up the stack of jewelry orders on my work bench.
As a bit of a side note before I go, I'm currently figuring out the workings for a line of hand-blended lotions, potions, incenses and oils to add to my shop. All custom-blended by yours truly. All things befitting a Midnight Gypsy. ;-) Keep your eyes peeled for these new additions to be making their debut in the next few months.
So, I'm really excited...yes, I'm a complete dork.
I was invited to co-host the morning show on our local radio station tomorrow morning! One of the regulars will be MIA, so I'll be filling in. Not that I know anything about being a radio personality, but it HAS been a secret dream of mine for years to be one. Except for the part where the dream turns into a nightmare because I sound like Minnie Mouse.
For anyone local (they broadcast out of Powell, WY) who cares to listen in, you can tune in to 1260 AM from 6:00-8:00 a.m. tomorrow. Hilarity is sure to ensue with me behind a mic. :-p
For anyone local (they broadcast out of Powell, WY) who cares to listen in, you can tune in to 1260 AM from 6:00-8:00 a.m. tomorrow. Hilarity is sure to ensue with me behind a mic. :-p
Spring has finally sprung...
...and I'm in a great mood! :-D
And because of this, I'm currently offering a FANTASTIC sale in my Etsy store front. You can visit it here - Midnight Gypsy.
If you are familiar with my work and there's a particular piece you've had your eye on, now would be a great time to stop into my shop to take advantage of not only some fantastic prices, but FREE shipping within the US via 1st Class Mail. Worldwide shipping is available for just $2.50!
I have a ton of new creations I just haven't had the time to get pictures up of over here yet, but I plan on doing that this afternoon. Most all of the photos to the right are live-linked to that particular item in my shop. If you get to my shop & the item is listed as sold, please don't hesitate to inquire about availability on the piece. I can often times recreate a piece, or come very, very close. You can also scroll to the bottom of this page to view the Rapid Cart that is tied to my ArtFire studio for quick shopping & payment processing.
And remember, for those who may not be aware of it - when shopping online with shops that accept PayPal (such as mine) you do not NEED to have a PayPal account! You can easily pay securely online using PayPal's secure site without having an account with them. They will prompt you through the process, it's a snap!
For those of you who are local, you can listen in on KPOW 1260 AM tomorrow morning (Friday the 29th) at 8:45 to a radio interview I'm doing on the morning show regarding my jewelry.
And while I'm in this fabulous mood... I'd love to give a little shout out to a very talented artisan I recently met. Her name is Jody, and she operates a lovely little shop called Village Boutique. She creates the most amazing bracelets from vintage silverware! Yes, you read that right - vintage silverware!
I, of course, had to purchase this particular piece from her, and I could not be more pleased. It is even more stunning in person, if you can imagine that! The spoons used to create this bracelet are circa 1885. WOW.
I'm also pleased to report that I had her on the hunt for a thistle silverware pattern to create a bracelet for me, and she's already been able to accommodate me! I'm so excited to see it in person I can barely stand it! :-)
So be sure to visit Village Boutique & check out this amazing artisan's work. You will be amazed at the lovely one-of-a-kind vintage treasures she's offering. The "Gloria" bracelet is another I'm currently crushing on. So many patterns to choose from...and most won't come around again!
Happy shopping, and please don't hesitate to ask questions you may have regarding my pieces. You can always contact me here, or email me directly at MidnightGypsyOnEtsy@gmail.com.
Til next time....
Remember: We are born naked, wet, and hungry - and then it just goes downhill from there!
And because of this, I'm currently offering a FANTASTIC sale in my Etsy store front. You can visit it here - Midnight Gypsy.
If you are familiar with my work and there's a particular piece you've had your eye on, now would be a great time to stop into my shop to take advantage of not only some fantastic prices, but FREE shipping within the US via 1st Class Mail. Worldwide shipping is available for just $2.50!
I have a ton of new creations I just haven't had the time to get pictures up of over here yet, but I plan on doing that this afternoon. Most all of the photos to the right are live-linked to that particular item in my shop. If you get to my shop & the item is listed as sold, please don't hesitate to inquire about availability on the piece. I can often times recreate a piece, or come very, very close. You can also scroll to the bottom of this page to view the Rapid Cart that is tied to my ArtFire studio for quick shopping & payment processing.
And remember, for those who may not be aware of it - when shopping online with shops that accept PayPal (such as mine) you do not NEED to have a PayPal account! You can easily pay securely online using PayPal's secure site without having an account with them. They will prompt you through the process, it's a snap!
For those of you who are local, you can listen in on KPOW 1260 AM tomorrow morning (Friday the 29th) at 8:45 to a radio interview I'm doing on the morning show regarding my jewelry.
And while I'm in this fabulous mood... I'd love to give a little shout out to a very talented artisan I recently met. Her name is Jody, and she operates a lovely little shop called Village Boutique. She creates the most amazing bracelets from vintage silverware! Yes, you read that right - vintage silverware!
I, of course, had to purchase this particular piece from her, and I could not be more pleased. It is even more stunning in person, if you can imagine that! The spoons used to create this bracelet are circa 1885. WOW.
I'm also pleased to report that I had her on the hunt for a thistle silverware pattern to create a bracelet for me, and she's already been able to accommodate me! I'm so excited to see it in person I can barely stand it! :-)
So be sure to visit Village Boutique & check out this amazing artisan's work. You will be amazed at the lovely one-of-a-kind vintage treasures she's offering. The "Gloria" bracelet is another I'm currently crushing on. So many patterns to choose from...and most won't come around again!
Happy shopping, and please don't hesitate to ask questions you may have regarding my pieces. You can always contact me here, or email me directly at MidnightGypsyOnEtsy@gmail.com.
Til next time....
Remember: We are born naked, wet, and hungry - and then it just goes downhill from there!
Not a whole lot...
...to write about today. Just been busy, busy, busy packing up orders and getting them in the mail. I've also been spending a lot of time at my workbench for a change, which is a good thing!
I just finished up a lovely commissioned set of necklaces for a bride, her maid of honor, and two bridesmaids. You can see pictures on the right side of the page. :-)
I've added lots of photos here over the last few days, so be sure to scroll down to see what's new. You can click on each photo to be taken out to that specific item's listing in my Etsy shop to read more about them. If you're interested in something & it's already marked as sold, don't hesitate to contact me. In most cases, even though my items are pretty one-of-a-kind, I can duplicate something pretty closely for you. As always, I'm thrilled to receive custom requests and love designing specific pieces for folks.
I've also been trying to get stock made ahead in order to have enough to fill up my booth for the Home & Garden Expo 2009 at the Park Co. Fairgrounds...so far, most of what I'm trying to make ahead is selling out. LOL! This is a good thing, but makes it tough for me to get ahead on stock!
Til next time...
I just finished up a lovely commissioned set of necklaces for a bride, her maid of honor, and two bridesmaids. You can see pictures on the right side of the page. :-)
I've added lots of photos here over the last few days, so be sure to scroll down to see what's new. You can click on each photo to be taken out to that specific item's listing in my Etsy shop to read more about them. If you're interested in something & it's already marked as sold, don't hesitate to contact me. In most cases, even though my items are pretty one-of-a-kind, I can duplicate something pretty closely for you. As always, I'm thrilled to receive custom requests and love designing specific pieces for folks.
I've also been trying to get stock made ahead in order to have enough to fill up my booth for the Home & Garden Expo 2009 at the Park Co. Fairgrounds...so far, most of what I'm trying to make ahead is selling out. LOL! This is a good thing, but makes it tough for me to get ahead on stock!
Til next time...
It is...
...up & running! My supply shop, that is. :-) You can take a peek, if you'd like... Midnight Gypsy Caravan.
We are still a little bare bones as I work on getting everything listed. Right now I have an inventory of components from Vintaj Natural Brass that I've listed, and I'll be putting in a rather large order with my raw brass supplier in the next week or so. THAT is the order I'm excited about. Squeeee!
And of course, a new shop needs a special new banner....so I commissioned the help of Erin of Swieky Siggies to create just the perfect one, and what a marvelous job she did! See for yourself!

I would highly recommend Erin for any graphic design needs that you may have! She's fun, friendly, and professional. Be sure to click her link above to visit her shop at Etsy.
We are still a little bare bones as I work on getting everything listed. Right now I have an inventory of components from Vintaj Natural Brass that I've listed, and I'll be putting in a rather large order with my raw brass supplier in the next week or so. THAT is the order I'm excited about. Squeeee!
And of course, a new shop needs a special new banner....so I commissioned the help of Erin of Swieky Siggies to create just the perfect one, and what a marvelous job she did! See for yourself!

I would highly recommend Erin for any graphic design needs that you may have! She's fun, friendly, and professional. Be sure to click her link above to visit her shop at Etsy.
It's that time again already...
Hard to believe it's been a year since the last Home & Garden Expo at the Park Co. Fairgrounds, but it dang near has been! The Home & Garden Expo was very good to me last year, so I'm looking very forward to it this spring.
For anyone who lives in our general area, mark your calendars for May 9th (a Saturday) and be sure to stop into the fairgrounds (in Powell, WY) and check it out. There was a little bit of everything there last year, and I'm sure the same will be true this year as well. It was a lot of fun and I got to meet some great people.
So now the push is REALLY on to get my inventory back up, not only for my online shop but also so that I'll have enough to fill a booth for the Expo. I have all kinds of fun & exciting new goodies on my workbench just waiting on me to sit down & get busy. NOW, finding the time with a couple of toddlers in the house is another story altogether. But I digress....lol.
And on to my most exciting news for today....
Coming VERY soon.... The Midnight Gypsy Caravan .... The Caravan will be rolling into Etsy soon, bringing with it a plethora of treasures that are sure to delight one and all... an assortment of high quality raw brass components for the discriminating designer, along with a selection of Vintaj Natural Brass findings & components. In addition to this, you can expect to find genuine Swarovski crystal and a wide array of other yummy beads and findings as our line expands.
Be sure to visit our shop & mark us as a favorite...and watch for our upcoming grand opening!
As I've had such a difficult time finding high quality brass components for use in my creations without having to pay through the nose for them, I've decided to open my own supply shop. I've stumbled onto a business on the east coast that has been a family run operation since the very early 1900's, specializing in superb quality brass components. I'm very excited to have found them and to have established an account with them and will be featuring these items in the new shop shortly.
I have also been tossing around the idea for sometime now of adding a line of dark, rich, decadent bath & body care - something befitting a Midnight Gypsy. ;-) I've done quite a lot of research into this & feel confident that sometime in the relatively near future you'll be seeing such a line make it's debut. Hopefully in time for the Spring & Garden Expo 2010. In addition to this particular idea, I've been toying with the thought of adding a line of hand-made, one-of-a-kind, boutique handbags & totes as well. So many ideas, so little time...and in the hands of a procrastinator such as myself that can be deadly. LOL!
Stay tuned for more info...and be sure to visit me at Midnight Gypsy to find that special treasure for yourself or a loved one. I'm ALWAYS thrilled to receive special requests, so browse my photos to the right & and take a peek at my shop and let me know if there's something special I can create just for you.
For anyone who lives in our general area, mark your calendars for May 9th (a Saturday) and be sure to stop into the fairgrounds (in Powell, WY) and check it out. There was a little bit of everything there last year, and I'm sure the same will be true this year as well. It was a lot of fun and I got to meet some great people.
So now the push is REALLY on to get my inventory back up, not only for my online shop but also so that I'll have enough to fill a booth for the Expo. I have all kinds of fun & exciting new goodies on my workbench just waiting on me to sit down & get busy. NOW, finding the time with a couple of toddlers in the house is another story altogether. But I digress....lol.
And on to my most exciting news for today....
Coming VERY soon.... The Midnight Gypsy Caravan .... The Caravan will be rolling into Etsy soon, bringing with it a plethora of treasures that are sure to delight one and all... an assortment of high quality raw brass components for the discriminating designer, along with a selection of Vintaj Natural Brass findings & components. In addition to this, you can expect to find genuine Swarovski crystal and a wide array of other yummy beads and findings as our line expands.
Be sure to visit our shop & mark us as a favorite...and watch for our upcoming grand opening!
As I've had such a difficult time finding high quality brass components for use in my creations without having to pay through the nose for them, I've decided to open my own supply shop. I've stumbled onto a business on the east coast that has been a family run operation since the very early 1900's, specializing in superb quality brass components. I'm very excited to have found them and to have established an account with them and will be featuring these items in the new shop shortly.
I have also been tossing around the idea for sometime now of adding a line of dark, rich, decadent bath & body care - something befitting a Midnight Gypsy. ;-) I've done quite a lot of research into this & feel confident that sometime in the relatively near future you'll be seeing such a line make it's debut. Hopefully in time for the Spring & Garden Expo 2010. In addition to this particular idea, I've been toying with the thought of adding a line of hand-made, one-of-a-kind, boutique handbags & totes as well. So many ideas, so little time...and in the hands of a procrastinator such as myself that can be deadly. LOL!
Stay tuned for more info...and be sure to visit me at Midnight Gypsy to find that special treasure for yourself or a loved one. I'm ALWAYS thrilled to receive special requests, so browse my photos to the right & and take a peek at my shop and let me know if there's something special I can create just for you.
In keeping with my attempt to post more often...
...here I am.
I've been trying to find time to just sit down & work on jewelry as my Etsy shop is pretty bare-bones at the moment. It's tough to find more than about two minutes at a stretch to sit down & concentrate on anything with a toddler in the house, and some days with TWO toddlers in the house. Add to this the fact, as many who may know me or follow this blog are aware, that I'm a procrastinator....and well, it can get ugly. Lol. I hate the fact that I'm a procrastinator. I really do. And I try really hard most days to overcome that thing about myself that drives me batty. It's a constant struggle for me, that's for certain.
I did actually manage this morning to get my torch out...and some brass pieces that I need to work on. Now just to wait for the toddlers to take their nap so I can sneak out back to work for a bit before they wake up. LOL.
Now on to cheerier news....Lol. I hate the USPS. I really think I do. I mean, I realize full-well that they handle billions of pieces of mail on a daily basis. But WHY, oh WHY, does it always have to be MY mail that they lose? Sigggggghhhhhhh..... I mailed a set of VERY one-of-a-kind earrings that I created to a client mid-January, I just adored these earrings, so did she... You guessed it. They STILL haven't arrived. These were created from vintage (as in 1920's-1930's era) glass gems & brass filigree & were quite lovely. Sigggggghhhhh. When will I learn to listen to my gut? I haven't insured much of anything going through the mail for quite awhile now, unless it is something that is more than about $50, as I'd actually been having really good luck & no missing packages for a long stretch now. But as I stood in line that day, a little voice kept telling me I'd better insure that package...but I didn't. Grrrrrr. While insurance wouldn't have actually insured that they ARRIVED, it would have at least paid for the costs for my materials.
Well, I suppose I should go get the munchkins down for their morning nap so I can get outside & get to work.
Stay tuned...and thanks to those who actually come out here to read my random & often, I'm sure, incoherent ramblings. Lol.
I've been trying to find time to just sit down & work on jewelry as my Etsy shop is pretty bare-bones at the moment. It's tough to find more than about two minutes at a stretch to sit down & concentrate on anything with a toddler in the house, and some days with TWO toddlers in the house. Add to this the fact, as many who may know me or follow this blog are aware, that I'm a procrastinator....and well, it can get ugly. Lol. I hate the fact that I'm a procrastinator. I really do. And I try really hard most days to overcome that thing about myself that drives me batty. It's a constant struggle for me, that's for certain.
I did actually manage this morning to get my torch out...and some brass pieces that I need to work on. Now just to wait for the toddlers to take their nap so I can sneak out back to work for a bit before they wake up. LOL.
Now on to cheerier news....Lol. I hate the USPS. I really think I do. I mean, I realize full-well that they handle billions of pieces of mail on a daily basis. But WHY, oh WHY, does it always have to be MY mail that they lose? Sigggggghhhhhhh..... I mailed a set of VERY one-of-a-kind earrings that I created to a client mid-January, I just adored these earrings, so did she... You guessed it. They STILL haven't arrived. These were created from vintage (as in 1920's-1930's era) glass gems & brass filigree & were quite lovely. Sigggggghhhhh. When will I learn to listen to my gut? I haven't insured much of anything going through the mail for quite awhile now, unless it is something that is more than about $50, as I'd actually been having really good luck & no missing packages for a long stretch now. But as I stood in line that day, a little voice kept telling me I'd better insure that package...but I didn't. Grrrrrr. While insurance wouldn't have actually insured that they ARRIVED, it would have at least paid for the costs for my materials.
Well, I suppose I should go get the munchkins down for their morning nap so I can get outside & get to work.
Stay tuned...and thanks to those who actually come out here to read my random & often, I'm sure, incoherent ramblings. Lol.
I feel as if a veil has been lifted...
As those of you who occasionally peek in on my blog may remember, I posted a picture that I mentioned has haunted me from the very first time I laid eyes on it...I had no idea where the picture was taken, the caption simply said Scotland, although I felt like it looked more like Ireland.
Well, I feel like a veil has been lifted & I absolutely got goosebumps this morning to find out that the picture is of the Cliff of Maher on the west coast of Ireland. The cliffs are in County Clare just north of River Shannon.
There have been many things moving in my life ever since I had my reading done, and this is just one more piece to the puzzle it feels. Especially since I am of Irish heritage, though much of my family history has been lost I fear. I've tried off & on for several years to find information regarding my grandfather & his parents, but always come up with dead ends.
Well, I feel like a veil has been lifted & I absolutely got goosebumps this morning to find out that the picture is of the Cliff of Maher on the west coast of Ireland. The cliffs are in County Clare just north of River Shannon.
There have been many things moving in my life ever since I had my reading done, and this is just one more piece to the puzzle it feels. Especially since I am of Irish heritage, though much of my family history has been lost I fear. I've tried off & on for several years to find information regarding my grandfather & his parents, but always come up with dead ends.

So... I finally broke down & did it...
I had a past life reading done.
Now, there are those who will think I'm nuts...and that's fine. Won't be the first time, certainly won't be the last, I'm sure. There are those who believe in this kind of thing wholeheartedly, and those who believe it's nothing but utter hogwash. All I can say is that I was floored at the clarity this gave me. The way it explained a lot of things about me, and a lot of my fears, & deep-rooted feelings I have about a lot of things.
I typed up an email for a friend who asked me about it, and I've just copied and pasted it here since I'm too lazy to retype it all. Lol.
So, here goes.
I have a very firm belief in past lives. I always have, even being raised in a Christian home I always believed that we go round way more than once. I'm just very open to other possibilities than what mainstream religion teaches, I guess.
For as long as I can remember, I have absolutely KNOWN that I will die, alone, by being impaled in some fashion, and that I won't live to be old. I have felt this in every fiber of my being ever since I can remember. It has terrified me all my life. I am not afraid to die, I do not fear what's on the other side, I only fear HOW I will die. I've never shared any of this with anyone other than my husband.
Well, I have a friend who is clairvoyant. She does readings for people, both psychic & tarot. For awhile I've wanted her to do a past life reading for me, but have never asked her to. I don't really know why, I just have felt odd approaching her about it. I've had a recurring dream for YEARS that has recently really started coming to me quite often, so I finally asked J to read for me.
Keep in mind, she is adamant about you being completely vague about what you are after when you come to her for a reading. She wants no details at all so that it doesn't hinder the reading.
There were a few things I was curious about & I really wanted to see where this would go...and to see if any of these overwhelmingly strong feelings I have about certain facets of myself had any grounding in previous existences I may have lived....
1) Obviously, the death by being impaled & not living to be old was first and foremost... was this residual memory from a traumatic experience in a previous life?
2) I have always felt deep inside that I am a very strong - warrior like, if you will - woman. Where does this come from? I've always felt very feminine, but very strong...and have absolutely no doubt in my mind that should my life or the life of a loved one be in danger I could kill without a second's hesitation.
3) I have always felt pulled towards homeopathic healing, herbs,and all things mystical & magickal...etc.
4) I am absolutely fascinated with anything medieval, knights, heavy war horses, castles, etc. I also feel a VERY inordinate pull towards Scotland & Ireland...I am also fascinated with Friesian horses, extremely so...along with all of the other baroque breeds.
5) My father died when I was 12 & I was curious to see if he's around me at all.
6) I feel a very strong pull to the horse cultures of the Saromations & Sauromations, they fascinate me. Along with the Mongols & the people of the Asian steppes.
Well, again, I told J NONE of this, not even any hints at anything. She used a ring I wear all the time as a means to 'find' me.
The first thing that came to her was that my spirit guide & my guardians were insistent that I do not listen to them....that I am in a constant buzz & flurry of activity...to the point of it being unhealthy & me being overwhelmed & feeling like I am about to have a nervous breakdown. She was dead on. She said they were showing her me, with a collar around my neck & all these chains running out & attached to my house...which is dead on. I feel tied down & unable to take care of MYSELF because I'm always taking care of my home, those who occupy it, & all of those around me with no time for myself. She said I was surrounded by ravens, which was no surprise to me as they are absoluteyly everywhere I go. Sometimes to the point that I feel like they are right in my face. I've always felt drawn to them, a kinship I suppose. She said that they were trying to tell me that I could have some of the same freedom that they do if I would just take it. Just slow down, take care of myself, and let myself fly. They say it is time to break the chains that I allow to keep me tied down and to soar. Again, none of this is anything I've ever shared with her before. Any of it.
She said my spirit guide is with me all the time. According to her, this is kind of uncommon. She says that spirit guides usually have many, many people that they take care of, that they are there when you need them most. She said mine is a woman, quite tall, way taller than me even, with long hair. She is my constant companion & constantly tries to get me to slow down & take care of myself, but that I don't listen.
The next thing she saw was a woman in a long robe, she said she got a very druidic vibe, but she wasn't positive exactly what the path was. And a long very ornate dagger in a very ornate sheath. Not a sword, but a long dagger...then she paused & said she saw someone tied to a tree. There were others there, but she couldn't see them. I asked if I was the one tied to the tree...and she said yes. Then she TOLD ME I had been having frequent chest pains for about the last year (she was absolutely correct), but maybe not as frequently in recent months. Again, dead on. She then told me that she was getting a very vibrant green glow off of me, particularly my hands...she said I had been a healer. That I had the 'touch'. My hands were tied behind my back & I was tied to a tree. The others were there to do me harm...and one of them stabbed me in the chest. I was killed for my beliefs by those who were doing the bidding of the early church. Then they left me there tied to this tree still alive, to bleed out, alone. Then she told me that the fear I have of being alone (which I've never told her before) stems from that...from dying there alone. It is residual trauma carried over & over & over into subsequent lives that the soul has trouble letting go of.
She said the frequent chest pains this past year were because I died at this age in my previous life. So, basically, I died by being impaled, and I did not live to be an old woman. That absolutely made me feel like, for once, that my fears weren't unfounded. But that they weren't fears I should hold for this life. She told me that there is a Crone who stays with me. She was a teacher or mentor for me in that life. And when I feel those pains in my chest she always pats at them & tells me that it will be alright. Once again, J was dead on as I always get this very faint fluttering sensastion over my chest whenever I've had these pains in the past. J said the Crone is quite old, wears a green mantle & has a gnarled walking stick...very high cheekbones, crinkled eyes, and a long straight nose. She said she is very old, but is very beautiful.
Then she saw me covered in deep blue tattoos or body paint...even my face. Beautiful, swirling, almost celtic in design. Long curly red hair, tied back. I am a fighter, and a good one. Very tall, slender, but muscular, quite agile. My favorite weapon is the staff...I love the feel of the wood shaft in my hands. I am a runner. I can run for miles & miles without stopping. She told me I liked to wear very little, or nothing, when I fought.
When J saw all the beautiful blue tatoos.... she had her eyes closed & her head down & she said... "In particular...you have this gorgeous one on your back, in between your shoulder blades."
The crazy thing about that is that I've been contemplating a tatoo for a very, very long time. Most recently I've decided that I want to get one, of all places....on the back of my neck & possibly spreading down across the tops of my shoulders...most likely in a very ornate tribal/celtic design, but something small & feminine. I haven't told ANYONE this. NO ONE.
I learned today that the blue woad that was believed to have been used for body paint & tattos by the Picts originated in the Asian steppes... just another tiny piece in the puzzle.
Then she told me that she saw great rolling green landscape, with trees on the fringes. She saw a knight....and as she said, "but a knight wearing one of those 'stupid' helmets...lol...the kind that look like a bucket turned upside down on their heads with slits for eyes." LOL. He is a jouster, and quite good. A very large man, light brown hair, blue eyes, and a moustache....once he finally lifts the "stupid" helmet (LOL) where she can see him. He pursued me, but I had no interest in him & tried to evade his attempts to court me. She sees him on his horse, tipping his lance down at me with a kerchief attached to the end, offering it to me, but I refuse it. I am a strong-willed woman who wants nothing to do with a man. Lol. He finally wins my heart, we have a child together...a daughter. This was a very happy life...we were quite wealthy. She sees me on a large, baroque black horse, very long mane & tail, forelock past the tip of his nose. I am riding sidesaddle, galloping out across the rolling green fields. My horse is decked out in all this very ornate finery. It is MY horse, not my husband's, which is rather a big deal during that time period. Long flowing saddle blanket that drapes out across his hindquarters. She says I fuss over him all the time, he is my prize possession. We live in a castle & had a long wonderful life together.
Again, let me reiterate that J knows none of these things about me. Most people don't. She said she gets a very strong medieval vibe off of me. This is definitely the time period in our history that fascinates me the most & I have always felt very strongly drawn to it....that & very ancient civilization.
Also, she said that in every incarnation of me that she saw, I was always tall, slim, & had long curly red hair. And up until about three months ago, I had long, curly red(dish) hair in this life too.
Now, there are those who will think I'm nuts...and that's fine. Won't be the first time, certainly won't be the last, I'm sure. There are those who believe in this kind of thing wholeheartedly, and those who believe it's nothing but utter hogwash. All I can say is that I was floored at the clarity this gave me. The way it explained a lot of things about me, and a lot of my fears, & deep-rooted feelings I have about a lot of things.
I typed up an email for a friend who asked me about it, and I've just copied and pasted it here since I'm too lazy to retype it all. Lol.
So, here goes.
I have a very firm belief in past lives. I always have, even being raised in a Christian home I always believed that we go round way more than once. I'm just very open to other possibilities than what mainstream religion teaches, I guess.
For as long as I can remember, I have absolutely KNOWN that I will die, alone, by being impaled in some fashion, and that I won't live to be old. I have felt this in every fiber of my being ever since I can remember. It has terrified me all my life. I am not afraid to die, I do not fear what's on the other side, I only fear HOW I will die. I've never shared any of this with anyone other than my husband.
Well, I have a friend who is clairvoyant. She does readings for people, both psychic & tarot. For awhile I've wanted her to do a past life reading for me, but have never asked her to. I don't really know why, I just have felt odd approaching her about it. I've had a recurring dream for YEARS that has recently really started coming to me quite often, so I finally asked J to read for me.
Keep in mind, she is adamant about you being completely vague about what you are after when you come to her for a reading. She wants no details at all so that it doesn't hinder the reading.
There were a few things I was curious about & I really wanted to see where this would go...and to see if any of these overwhelmingly strong feelings I have about certain facets of myself had any grounding in previous existences I may have lived....
1) Obviously, the death by being impaled & not living to be old was first and foremost... was this residual memory from a traumatic experience in a previous life?
2) I have always felt deep inside that I am a very strong - warrior like, if you will - woman. Where does this come from? I've always felt very feminine, but very strong...and have absolutely no doubt in my mind that should my life or the life of a loved one be in danger I could kill without a second's hesitation.
3) I have always felt pulled towards homeopathic healing, herbs,and all things mystical & magickal...etc.
4) I am absolutely fascinated with anything medieval, knights, heavy war horses, castles, etc. I also feel a VERY inordinate pull towards Scotland & Ireland...I am also fascinated with Friesian horses, extremely so...along with all of the other baroque breeds.
5) My father died when I was 12 & I was curious to see if he's around me at all.
6) I feel a very strong pull to the horse cultures of the Saromations & Sauromations, they fascinate me. Along with the Mongols & the people of the Asian steppes.
Well, again, I told J NONE of this, not even any hints at anything. She used a ring I wear all the time as a means to 'find' me.
The first thing that came to her was that my spirit guide & my guardians were insistent that I do not listen to them....that I am in a constant buzz & flurry of activity...to the point of it being unhealthy & me being overwhelmed & feeling like I am about to have a nervous breakdown. She was dead on. She said they were showing her me, with a collar around my neck & all these chains running out & attached to my house...which is dead on. I feel tied down & unable to take care of MYSELF because I'm always taking care of my home, those who occupy it, & all of those around me with no time for myself. She said I was surrounded by ravens, which was no surprise to me as they are absoluteyly everywhere I go. Sometimes to the point that I feel like they are right in my face. I've always felt drawn to them, a kinship I suppose. She said that they were trying to tell me that I could have some of the same freedom that they do if I would just take it. Just slow down, take care of myself, and let myself fly. They say it is time to break the chains that I allow to keep me tied down and to soar. Again, none of this is anything I've ever shared with her before. Any of it.
She said my spirit guide is with me all the time. According to her, this is kind of uncommon. She says that spirit guides usually have many, many people that they take care of, that they are there when you need them most. She said mine is a woman, quite tall, way taller than me even, with long hair. She is my constant companion & constantly tries to get me to slow down & take care of myself, but that I don't listen.
The next thing she saw was a woman in a long robe, she said she got a very druidic vibe, but she wasn't positive exactly what the path was. And a long very ornate dagger in a very ornate sheath. Not a sword, but a long dagger...then she paused & said she saw someone tied to a tree. There were others there, but she couldn't see them. I asked if I was the one tied to the tree...and she said yes. Then she TOLD ME I had been having frequent chest pains for about the last year (she was absolutely correct), but maybe not as frequently in recent months. Again, dead on. She then told me that she was getting a very vibrant green glow off of me, particularly my hands...she said I had been a healer. That I had the 'touch'. My hands were tied behind my back & I was tied to a tree. The others were there to do me harm...and one of them stabbed me in the chest. I was killed for my beliefs by those who were doing the bidding of the early church. Then they left me there tied to this tree still alive, to bleed out, alone. Then she told me that the fear I have of being alone (which I've never told her before) stems from that...from dying there alone. It is residual trauma carried over & over & over into subsequent lives that the soul has trouble letting go of.
She said the frequent chest pains this past year were because I died at this age in my previous life. So, basically, I died by being impaled, and I did not live to be an old woman. That absolutely made me feel like, for once, that my fears weren't unfounded. But that they weren't fears I should hold for this life. She told me that there is a Crone who stays with me. She was a teacher or mentor for me in that life. And when I feel those pains in my chest she always pats at them & tells me that it will be alright. Once again, J was dead on as I always get this very faint fluttering sensastion over my chest whenever I've had these pains in the past. J said the Crone is quite old, wears a green mantle & has a gnarled walking stick...very high cheekbones, crinkled eyes, and a long straight nose. She said she is very old, but is very beautiful.
Then she saw me covered in deep blue tattoos or body paint...even my face. Beautiful, swirling, almost celtic in design. Long curly red hair, tied back. I am a fighter, and a good one. Very tall, slender, but muscular, quite agile. My favorite weapon is the staff...I love the feel of the wood shaft in my hands. I am a runner. I can run for miles & miles without stopping. She told me I liked to wear very little, or nothing, when I fought.
When J saw all the beautiful blue tatoos.... she had her eyes closed & her head down & she said... "In particular...you have this gorgeous one on your back, in between your shoulder blades."
The crazy thing about that is that I've been contemplating a tatoo for a very, very long time. Most recently I've decided that I want to get one, of all places....on the back of my neck & possibly spreading down across the tops of my shoulders...most likely in a very ornate tribal/celtic design, but something small & feminine. I haven't told ANYONE this. NO ONE.
I learned today that the blue woad that was believed to have been used for body paint & tattos by the Picts originated in the Asian steppes... just another tiny piece in the puzzle.
Then she told me that she saw great rolling green landscape, with trees on the fringes. She saw a knight....and as she said, "but a knight wearing one of those 'stupid' helmets...lol...the kind that look like a bucket turned upside down on their heads with slits for eyes." LOL. He is a jouster, and quite good. A very large man, light brown hair, blue eyes, and a moustache....once he finally lifts the "stupid" helmet (LOL) where she can see him. He pursued me, but I had no interest in him & tried to evade his attempts to court me. She sees him on his horse, tipping his lance down at me with a kerchief attached to the end, offering it to me, but I refuse it. I am a strong-willed woman who wants nothing to do with a man. Lol. He finally wins my heart, we have a child together...a daughter. This was a very happy life...we were quite wealthy. She sees me on a large, baroque black horse, very long mane & tail, forelock past the tip of his nose. I am riding sidesaddle, galloping out across the rolling green fields. My horse is decked out in all this very ornate finery. It is MY horse, not my husband's, which is rather a big deal during that time period. Long flowing saddle blanket that drapes out across his hindquarters. She says I fuss over him all the time, he is my prize possession. We live in a castle & had a long wonderful life together.
Again, let me reiterate that J knows none of these things about me. Most people don't. She said she gets a very strong medieval vibe off of me. This is definitely the time period in our history that fascinates me the most & I have always felt very strongly drawn to it....that & very ancient civilization.
Also, she said that in every incarnation of me that she saw, I was always tall, slim, & had long curly red hair. And up until about three months ago, I had long, curly red(dish) hair in this life too.
I have this recurring dream...
...I've had it numerous times over the past few years. It started about five years ago. Actually, about the same time that I stumbled onto the picture I mentioned in my last post.
I remember vividly the first time I had the dream. I woke up sobbing, it felt as if my heart were absolutely breaking, and I had this overwhelming feeling of complete, absolute despair. I immediately got up & went to write the dream down. But it didn't come out in journal form with me explaining the dream, it came out, rather, in first person account of exactly what happened in my dream...the sounds, sights, smells, everything I felt. The name mentioned came to me without me even having to think about it, it came right out of the end of my pen with no hesitation as I wrote.
I dreamed of you tonight.
You were reaching out to me from the tangled sheets of our bed at the window. The curtains stirred in the salty sea breeze, the scent of heather heavy in the air, and the waves caressed the rocky crags below, whispering to the moon above.
Your face, raised in relief beneath the silver kiss of the moon, shined like a beacon. Green eyes glowing, your lips moving but no words escape. Still, I hear you whispering, not from your lips, but your eyes. They tell me all I need to know. I’m captured, held prisoner by your gaze.
I dare not move from this place I am rooted to, for I fear you shall disappear with the sea mist if move but an inch, draw but one breath to move toward you. The sheepskin rug beneath my feet is soft, my toes curl into the wool & I’m taken with the memory of us lying on this very rug together. The night that Patrick was conceived. The thought stings my eyes with fiery tears, clogging my throat with an unbearable ache.
And then I always wake up, sobbing, my heart pounding in my chest & feeling as if it's absolutely breaking in two.
I remember vividly the first time I had the dream. I woke up sobbing, it felt as if my heart were absolutely breaking, and I had this overwhelming feeling of complete, absolute despair. I immediately got up & went to write the dream down. But it didn't come out in journal form with me explaining the dream, it came out, rather, in first person account of exactly what happened in my dream...the sounds, sights, smells, everything I felt. The name mentioned came to me without me even having to think about it, it came right out of the end of my pen with no hesitation as I wrote.
I dreamed of you tonight.
You were reaching out to me from the tangled sheets of our bed at the window. The curtains stirred in the salty sea breeze, the scent of heather heavy in the air, and the waves caressed the rocky crags below, whispering to the moon above.
Your face, raised in relief beneath the silver kiss of the moon, shined like a beacon. Green eyes glowing, your lips moving but no words escape. Still, I hear you whispering, not from your lips, but your eyes. They tell me all I need to know. I’m captured, held prisoner by your gaze.
I dare not move from this place I am rooted to, for I fear you shall disappear with the sea mist if move but an inch, draw but one breath to move toward you. The sheepskin rug beneath my feet is soft, my toes curl into the wool & I’m taken with the memory of us lying on this very rug together. The night that Patrick was conceived. The thought stings my eyes with fiery tears, clogging my throat with an unbearable ache.
And then I always wake up, sobbing, my heart pounding in my chest & feeling as if it's absolutely breaking in two.
The tax man cometh...
...and I teareth outeth my hair.... or something like that. Lol.
Yes, I realize I still have plenty of time before April 15th, but am really trying to get everything in as early as possible this year in order to avoid any further undue stress than is absolutely necessary. Is that even possible? Lol.
Now, can someone please tell me why this picture haunts me? When I look at it it's like someone has sucked the air from my lungs & I'm overcome with a feeling of deep sadness...it's like I KNOW this place for some reason. And whatever the reason is, I fear it wasn't a happy one....

Yes, I realize I still have plenty of time before April 15th, but am really trying to get everything in as early as possible this year in order to avoid any further undue stress than is absolutely necessary. Is that even possible? Lol.
Now, can someone please tell me why this picture haunts me? When I look at it it's like someone has sucked the air from my lungs & I'm overcome with a feeling of deep sadness...it's like I KNOW this place for some reason. And whatever the reason is, I fear it wasn't a happy one....

Hmmmmm..... the part of me that believes in past lives & reincarnation has to wonder if this particular place played an important role for me in a previous existence.
Just makes me wonder.
And none of this has anything to do with my jewelry. Other than strong emotions like this are quite often very inspiring to me in my creative process.
Stay tuned.
As I promised myself...
...I've managed to make it two days in a row posting. That may be a new personal record for me. LOL.
I am still scrambling to get caught up and to replenish my shop with lots of new creations after a very busy holiday season. I have all kinds of wonderful vintage stones and brass filigree just waiting for me on my workbench.
Now, to find the time to actually sit down & do something about that.
Which brings me to my next thought.
In the interview with Michelle Rudland of About You Designs, one of the questions she asked was if there were any other artistic pursuits I'd like to dive into. Yes, oh yes. MANY. Which got me to thinking about all the different things I'm interested in, all the different creative avenues that are out there & just how many intrigue me. Which makes me think about just how much of a procrastinator I am. I think that it doesn't help that there are SO MANY different things I'd love to dabble in that it overwhelms me & I don't know where to begin. So I just don't begin anything new. Lol.
I do love to write, have loved to write my entire life. It is still a dream of mine, albeit possibly nothing more than a pipe dream, to be a published author. I have numerous pieces in various stages of completion that have been hanging around for, in many cases, years. I've won or placed well in a few writing contests. But just can't seem to sit down and actually finish my full-length novel. And oh, how I love my characters. They are very near & dear to my heart. I really do want to get their story out and finished. Maybe then they'll leave me alone. Lol.
I would also really love to learn lampworking. And no, for those of you who may not know, that doesn't involve in any way, shape, or form lamps....lol...but creating gorgeous artistic glass beads using a torch, cane glass, & a kiln to explain it simply. There are MANY awesome examples of this fine talent to be found in the Etsy shop, Flamekeeper. This particular bead, Cobbler, happens to be one of my favorites in Flamekeeper's shop. Along with this one, Petrified. It absolutely amazes me the wide-array of designs that can be achieved, as is well-evidenced within this amazing shop.
I'd also love to work on the potter's wheel again.
And work with leaded glass again.
Basketry, again.
Silver art clay.
And this is just the short list. Lol.
Most likely my next adventure will be diving into the silver art clay. Unless I can get my hands on a potter's wheel first. But a potter's wheel also means a kiln. And, alas, I don't have that much money saved up just yet.
I am still scrambling to get caught up and to replenish my shop with lots of new creations after a very busy holiday season. I have all kinds of wonderful vintage stones and brass filigree just waiting for me on my workbench.
Now, to find the time to actually sit down & do something about that.
Which brings me to my next thought.
In the interview with Michelle Rudland of About You Designs, one of the questions she asked was if there were any other artistic pursuits I'd like to dive into. Yes, oh yes. MANY. Which got me to thinking about all the different things I'm interested in, all the different creative avenues that are out there & just how many intrigue me. Which makes me think about just how much of a procrastinator I am. I think that it doesn't help that there are SO MANY different things I'd love to dabble in that it overwhelms me & I don't know where to begin. So I just don't begin anything new. Lol.
I do love to write, have loved to write my entire life. It is still a dream of mine, albeit possibly nothing more than a pipe dream, to be a published author. I have numerous pieces in various stages of completion that have been hanging around for, in many cases, years. I've won or placed well in a few writing contests. But just can't seem to sit down and actually finish my full-length novel. And oh, how I love my characters. They are very near & dear to my heart. I really do want to get their story out and finished. Maybe then they'll leave me alone. Lol.
I would also really love to learn lampworking. And no, for those of you who may not know, that doesn't involve in any way, shape, or form lamps....lol...but creating gorgeous artistic glass beads using a torch, cane glass, & a kiln to explain it simply. There are MANY awesome examples of this fine talent to be found in the Etsy shop, Flamekeeper. This particular bead, Cobbler, happens to be one of my favorites in Flamekeeper's shop. Along with this one, Petrified. It absolutely amazes me the wide-array of designs that can be achieved, as is well-evidenced within this amazing shop.
I'd also love to work on the potter's wheel again.
And work with leaded glass again.
Basketry, again.
Silver art clay.
And this is just the short list. Lol.
Most likely my next adventure will be diving into the silver art clay. Unless I can get my hands on a potter's wheel first. But a potter's wheel also means a kiln. And, alas, I don't have that much money saved up just yet.
Well, as my last few posts have indicated, yes, I am a procrastinator. And a very BUSY procrastinator. Hence the procrastination. Lol.
I have promised myself that I'm going to get myself into the habit of sitting down and finding something to share here at least a couple of times a week. This was supposed to be cathartic for me, and a way to help fuel my creativity and to keep me motivated.
So. Here I am. And I do have something lovely to share today! I was very flattered to have Michelle Rudland from About You Designs request an interview and the use of some of my photos in order to do a write-up on one of her blogs about my jewelry. She paid me many kind compliments of which I'm very appreciative, though not certain I'm fully deserving of. Lol.
If you'd like to check out the interview, visit About You Designs.
Michelle is a very talented photographer and designer, so be sure to check out all she has to offer! About You Photography.
I have promised myself that I'm going to get myself into the habit of sitting down and finding something to share here at least a couple of times a week. This was supposed to be cathartic for me, and a way to help fuel my creativity and to keep me motivated.
So. Here I am. And I do have something lovely to share today! I was very flattered to have Michelle Rudland from About You Designs request an interview and the use of some of my photos in order to do a write-up on one of her blogs about my jewelry. She paid me many kind compliments of which I'm very appreciative, though not certain I'm fully deserving of. Lol.
If you'd like to check out the interview, visit About You Designs.
Michelle is a very talented photographer and designer, so be sure to check out all she has to offer! About You Photography.
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