Gosh, talk about procrastination. I'm at it again.
Can't believe that it's been since the 16th that I've sat down here to write something. This was supposed to be a place for me to come, put my thoughts out here in cyberspace & hopefully glean some inspiration from it. Hmmmmmm......
I have made a few new pieces in the past few days, but I've GOT to get busy & get more work done. I have a show coming up in May that I am NOT ready for! I need to get at least a couple of dozen necklace & earring sets done to keep on hand, plus more earring & bracelet designs....
The biggest problem is that I keep selling everything I make up to stock a booth... well, I guess that really isn't a problem, per se. LOL! Just makes it tough to get my inventory built up enough to stock a booth! The hardest part is having a toddler running around & trying to find the time to take care of my business, chase after the munchkin, take care of the hubby, house, laundry, breakfast, lunch, dinner.... etc.
Geesh. Guess I should just quit whining & get busy!
Check out the pictures of some new items there on the right... and be sure to visit my Etsy shop by clicking on the link on the top right!
Hope everyone has a great day! Wish me luck....
Such a procrastinator...
I am suuuuch a procrastinator.
I had planned on starting this blog in order to help keep me FOCUSED on my work. Thinking maybe a little early morning jumpstart to my day by logging in here & sharing some thoughts might jumpstart my creative process.
Do you think it's worked? Well, obviously not. Considering this is only my fourth post since I began this whole thing.
I'm such a procrastinator. And a Barrel Horse World addict.... any of you BB's peeking in over here on occasion know just what I'm talking about. Sometimes I swear I need someone to just say..... "X OFF OF BARREL HORSE WORLD & BACK AWAY SLOWLY....." lol.
On a better note, I did get several packages mailed this morning. Part of my problem the past couple of days has been a sick munchkin running a high fever who wants nothing but to be held by her mommy 24/7. That meant that mommy got very little work done the past couple of days. But she's feeling better today so we got into town & got some orders mailed off for folks. My plan was to come home, put her down for a nap, & then GET BUSY on some work I need to get done.
So what did I do? You guessed it... checked on Barrel Horse World. Just to make sure it was still there and all, ya know.
Oh well. At least I did get a necklace finished up a couple of nights ago. That's a shot of it over there to the right. If you'd like to see more pictures, be sure to click on the link above & to the right to visit my Etsy shop.
For now I better get off of here & get some work done while the munchkin is still napping.
I had planned on starting this blog in order to help keep me FOCUSED on my work. Thinking maybe a little early morning jumpstart to my day by logging in here & sharing some thoughts might jumpstart my creative process.
Do you think it's worked? Well, obviously not. Considering this is only my fourth post since I began this whole thing.
I'm such a procrastinator. And a Barrel Horse World addict.... any of you BB's peeking in over here on occasion know just what I'm talking about. Sometimes I swear I need someone to just say..... "X OFF OF BARREL HORSE WORLD & BACK AWAY SLOWLY....." lol.
On a better note, I did get several packages mailed this morning. Part of my problem the past couple of days has been a sick munchkin running a high fever who wants nothing but to be held by her mommy 24/7. That meant that mommy got very little work done the past couple of days. But she's feeling better today so we got into town & got some orders mailed off for folks. My plan was to come home, put her down for a nap, & then GET BUSY on some work I need to get done.
So what did I do? You guessed it... checked on Barrel Horse World. Just to make sure it was still there and all, ya know.
Oh well. At least I did get a necklace finished up a couple of nights ago. That's a shot of it over there to the right. If you'd like to see more pictures, be sure to click on the link above & to the right to visit my Etsy shop.
For now I better get off of here & get some work done while the munchkin is still napping.
Holy Cow!
Wow.... that's all I can say. Just wow. Ever heard the old expression "When it rains, it pours."? Well, usually in my case, after the pouring part, the flood gates open. As in Hoover Dam scale floodgates. And normally, in my little corner of the world, that's not a good thing. BUT - in this case the raining, pouring, and flooding are in referece to orders & jewelry inquiries. It got just a little bit insane here in my tiny little studio yesterday afternoon. I was still answering emails at 11:30 last night! Am I complaining? Not one teeny little bit! Keep it comin' folks!
It started with a mad dash for 'the pink stuff'. And I'm not talking about the Pepto. Lol. Jackie sent out an email letting folks know what we've been up to with her fundraising & they came out IN FORCE.
Then it started spilling over into my regular line items. I have numerous custom order requests sitting on my desk right now, and several pieces pulled aside to be packed and shipped out.
If someone would've told me even five years ago that I'd be doing what I'm doing today I'd have told them they were crazy. But stranger things have happened I suppose.
I love what I do, so thanks to all of you who keep reaffirming to me that maybe I'm onto something here...
It started with a mad dash for 'the pink stuff'. And I'm not talking about the Pepto. Lol. Jackie sent out an email letting folks know what we've been up to with her fundraising & they came out IN FORCE.
Then it started spilling over into my regular line items. I have numerous custom order requests sitting on my desk right now, and several pieces pulled aside to be packed and shipped out.
If someone would've told me even five years ago that I'd be doing what I'm doing today I'd have told them they were crazy. But stranger things have happened I suppose.
I love what I do, so thanks to all of you who keep reaffirming to me that maybe I'm onto something here...
Something near & dear to my heart...

I have to admit, breast cancer used to be something that was not at the forefront of my daily concerns. I really never gave it a second thought, even though my grandmother had to have a radical mastectomy at a relatively young age. Recently, however, that has changed. A good friend of mine has become involved in breast cancer fundraising, and it has encouraged me to educate myself a little more... and most importantly, to open my eyes.
Breast cancer is something that affects us ALL. Husbands, wives, grandmothers, grandfathers, children, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, friends. It seems like there are NONE of us who haven't been affected by this disease in one way or another. Whether you're a survivor, have lost a loved one or friend, or you know someone fighting this disease right now, we've all been touched by it in some way.
My friend Jackie will be participating in the Rocky Mountain 2008 Avon Breast Cancer Walk. That's her with the pretty smile above.
I am currently working on a line of jewelry that 100% of the proceeds will be donated to her fundraising efforts. I'm happy to say that the pieces are selling! If you'd like to help and be stylin' some unique pink jewelry, you can view some of these items in my Etsy shop under a special catergory called "The Pink Pages". Pink not your thing? Be sure to view the other designs in my shop, as I've also pledged to donate a portion of my regular sales to her fundraising efforts.
If you'd like to simply make a donation to help support her efforts please visit her Avon Breast Cancer Walk 2008 official fundraising page here.
If nothing else, please take the time to educate yourself about this devastating disease. Even if you have no family history, ladies, please take the time to make sure you have your yearly well-woman physical, and those of you over 40 need a mammogram.
Together we CAN make a difference!
What's an artist?
I'm not sure what made me think I could become a jewelry designer. And yet here I sit, I've just created a blog to outline my daily attempts - sometimes hits, sometimes misses - at creating something that another person would want to wear. It seems somehow odd to me that I, of seeminly no artistic talent, could accomplish such. And yet it happens. Over & over again.
I don't remember when, why, or even HOW I became interested in doing what I do now. I love what I do, but it's been an interesting evolution in a manner of speaking I suppose. I think somewhere deep down I've always had a love for this kind of thing, but never in a million years dreamed that I'd be able to do it myself. Look, drool, and pine over gorgeous works that I've seen others create? Sure! But create myself? Are you kidding?!?
I think the roots of it may very well go back to an amazing art teacher I had in high school... Mrs. G. Well, actually, probably further back than that to start. With my wonderful Mom. She encouraged me when I was a youngster.... reading, writing, drawing, painting. The whole gamut. Any wild-hair I got about wanting to try something crafty or artistic, I was encouraged to pursue. I'm 35 years old & I'm quite sure my mom still has every last little scrap of any form of 'art' that I created for her stashed away in her hope chest... which I think just happens to be my old pink wooden toy box that my granny had made for me. My mom is a very crafty, artistic, gifted person. I, on the other hand, never felt that way. I think I felt relatively intelligent, and I enjoyed reading & writing... and I enjoyed creating my little works of 'art', I just didn't feel like I was talented. Seems like my Mom was always working on something crafty. The woman can make the most adorable holiday snowmen out of tube socks, lentils, some buttons, and hair clippings from a Great Pyrenees dog. No, I'm not joking. At all. LOL. So that is where it all started. But, I've digressed a bit....
I am not a talented drawer, painter, or sculptor. But in order to graduate high school it was required that we complete two credits in Art. Oy. What was I going to do? Sheesh. "Studies In Still Life".... "Advanced Charcoal Techniques" .... "Painting With Oils - Intermediate to Advanced Students" ... these were the kinds of choices outlined in the art class listings. Where in the world were "Play Dough For Dummies" or "Paper & Paste - Beyond Kindergarten: They Aren't Just For Snacking"? Those were more my speed. I was mortified at the thought of having to take an art class, surrounded by a bunch of 'arty' kids who were waaaaay more talented than me, working in their handy dandy little sketch pads on pencil or charcoal renditions of fruit in bowls. I was horrified. Oh, the agony. What would be the least embarrassing? To display how terrifically untalented I was at pencil, at charcoal, or in oils?
Ah...... but then Mrs. G, sweeeeet Mrs. G, came to the rescue of those of us who are artistically challenged & created a class called 'Crafts & Design'. Basically an art class for those of us who weren't what would be considered 'artistic' in the traditional sense. When I first saw an overview of what the class entailed I was still skeptical. And still scared to death. Didn't I have to have SOME KIND of artistic ability to set foot in an art classroom? Leaded glass, coiled pots, basket making, using the potters wheel... these were just a few of the subjects mentioned in the course synopsis. I was fully prepared to be the laughing stock of an art class, but thought maybe this type of class would harbor a few others like myself. Hopefully I'd be in like-minded, or 'talent-lacking', company.
Well, interestingly enough, that class piqued my interest in a wide-array of 'arty' areas. I was even able to take an advanced version of the class that was offered the following year in order to complete my second art credit. I received awards at our school art fairs for my works on the potters wheel as well as my leaded glass work. It was refreshing. Encouraging. Exciting.
Thanks Mrs. G, wherever you are. You opened my eyes to a whole new world of 'art'. And thanks, most of all, to my Mom. She encouraged me to pursue those things even when I didn't feel like I had the talent.
Ultimately, I think what I've finally come to learn over the years is simply this: Art can take many forms. It's not simply pencil and ink, charcoal, or even oils on canvas. It's not just Michelangelo's work in the Cistine Chapel, or Monet, or Picasso, or any number of other great artists out there. It is so much more than that. To me, art is at it's very core, simply an expression of oneself, and that expression comes out in many, many different ways. An infinite amount of ways.
So, this cowgirl's hat's off to all of the 'artists' out there. The next time you look at something another person has created & you're secretly wishing that you were that talented, know that you are. Just remember that we're ALL artists in our own way. So find YOUR passion. Find what makes you happy. And just pursue it. Even if the rest of the world never ever sees it. Do it for yourself. You just might be amazed at the satisfaction it can bring you.
I don't remember when, why, or even HOW I became interested in doing what I do now. I love what I do, but it's been an interesting evolution in a manner of speaking I suppose. I think somewhere deep down I've always had a love for this kind of thing, but never in a million years dreamed that I'd be able to do it myself. Look, drool, and pine over gorgeous works that I've seen others create? Sure! But create myself? Are you kidding?!?
I think the roots of it may very well go back to an amazing art teacher I had in high school... Mrs. G. Well, actually, probably further back than that to start. With my wonderful Mom. She encouraged me when I was a youngster.... reading, writing, drawing, painting. The whole gamut. Any wild-hair I got about wanting to try something crafty or artistic, I was encouraged to pursue. I'm 35 years old & I'm quite sure my mom still has every last little scrap of any form of 'art' that I created for her stashed away in her hope chest... which I think just happens to be my old pink wooden toy box that my granny had made for me. My mom is a very crafty, artistic, gifted person. I, on the other hand, never felt that way. I think I felt relatively intelligent, and I enjoyed reading & writing... and I enjoyed creating my little works of 'art', I just didn't feel like I was talented. Seems like my Mom was always working on something crafty. The woman can make the most adorable holiday snowmen out of tube socks, lentils, some buttons, and hair clippings from a Great Pyrenees dog. No, I'm not joking. At all. LOL. So that is where it all started. But, I've digressed a bit....
I am not a talented drawer, painter, or sculptor. But in order to graduate high school it was required that we complete two credits in Art. Oy. What was I going to do? Sheesh. "Studies In Still Life".... "Advanced Charcoal Techniques" .... "Painting With Oils - Intermediate to Advanced Students" ... these were the kinds of choices outlined in the art class listings. Where in the world were "Play Dough For Dummies" or "Paper & Paste - Beyond Kindergarten: They Aren't Just For Snacking"? Those were more my speed. I was mortified at the thought of having to take an art class, surrounded by a bunch of 'arty' kids who were waaaaay more talented than me, working in their handy dandy little sketch pads on pencil or charcoal renditions of fruit in bowls. I was horrified. Oh, the agony. What would be the least embarrassing? To display how terrifically untalented I was at pencil, at charcoal, or in oils?
Ah...... but then Mrs. G, sweeeeet Mrs. G, came to the rescue of those of us who are artistically challenged & created a class called 'Crafts & Design'. Basically an art class for those of us who weren't what would be considered 'artistic' in the traditional sense. When I first saw an overview of what the class entailed I was still skeptical. And still scared to death. Didn't I have to have SOME KIND of artistic ability to set foot in an art classroom? Leaded glass, coiled pots, basket making, using the potters wheel... these were just a few of the subjects mentioned in the course synopsis. I was fully prepared to be the laughing stock of an art class, but thought maybe this type of class would harbor a few others like myself. Hopefully I'd be in like-minded, or 'talent-lacking', company.
Well, interestingly enough, that class piqued my interest in a wide-array of 'arty' areas. I was even able to take an advanced version of the class that was offered the following year in order to complete my second art credit. I received awards at our school art fairs for my works on the potters wheel as well as my leaded glass work. It was refreshing. Encouraging. Exciting.
Thanks Mrs. G, wherever you are. You opened my eyes to a whole new world of 'art'. And thanks, most of all, to my Mom. She encouraged me to pursue those things even when I didn't feel like I had the talent.
Ultimately, I think what I've finally come to learn over the years is simply this: Art can take many forms. It's not simply pencil and ink, charcoal, or even oils on canvas. It's not just Michelangelo's work in the Cistine Chapel, or Monet, or Picasso, or any number of other great artists out there. It is so much more than that. To me, art is at it's very core, simply an expression of oneself, and that expression comes out in many, many different ways. An infinite amount of ways.
So, this cowgirl's hat's off to all of the 'artists' out there. The next time you look at something another person has created & you're secretly wishing that you were that talented, know that you are. Just remember that we're ALL artists in our own way. So find YOUR passion. Find what makes you happy. And just pursue it. Even if the rest of the world never ever sees it. Do it for yourself. You just might be amazed at the satisfaction it can bring you.
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